My God Provides

Saturday, March 2, 2013

This morning God reminded me how good he was and I soon realized it was the little reminders, like today, that get me every time.

This morning my family and I got to have breakfast, all of us together, at the Aldridge for the first time in years. We used to go here every Saturday morning when I was a little girl and I would help Harrell bus tables and work the cash register. As I have gotten older and schedules have gotten busier we have stopped going. It brought back a lot of good memories and fun times that we had all shared. 

When we left, as my dad and I were driving home, he asked if I wanted to stop by and get some needed supplies for the donation letters I will soon be sending out. Of course, I said yes. I am so excited to get these letters out to people and let them know what God has called me to do. We go in with our basket and start walking around. We soon realized we had no clue what to get. I never had seen so many different types of paper. Linen or Granite? 32 pd or 40 pd? Business or Commercial? I was to the verge of pulling out my hair and screaming "WHY?!". 

I took a stroll around the store to calm myself and when I returned I see my dad and one of the workers talking. My dad had filled Peggy in on what I needed the paper for and told her all about my mission plans. She had picked out the best quality paper and they were now trying to pick out the best envelopes to use. I could tell by the look on my dads face this wasn't going to be cheap. I decided to venture away from that area in hopes they could figure it out. As my dad and Peggy approached me soon after he told me to give her a big hug. I did so knowing what a huge help she was to me and my father. That's when my dad looked at me and smiled and said, "Peggy just donated over $100.00 of supplies which we will be using for your donation letters." Tears began to stream down my face as i was in awe of God and the way he works. 

So today I lift my hands in praise to a God who PROVIDES. He has chosen to use me despite my mistakes and sins. He has called me to a light to people in some of the darkest places of the world. He has chosen ME! Praise be to a great God.

God is GOOD!

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