A Chosen Priesthood

Friday, August 4, 2017

If you are reading this, I would imagine you have faced rejection somewhere along your journey. Every woman I have yet to meet has told endless stories of hurt and insecurities that ultimately lead back to this word: rejection. 

Rejection comes in many different forms. For some of you, it was a letter from a school you worked your whole life to attend. For others, it was a boy who constantly made you feel like you were not enough. Maybe it was a friend or a coworker who seemed to always keep you on the out. Maybe it was a parent who left you abandoned when you needed them the most. While rejection looks different in every person’s life, the results always seem to be the same. Someone is left feeling unwanted or unloved. 

In order to overcome the power of rejection we have to understand the power of whose we are. Jesus carried His cross to Calvary because He knew whose He was. He looked beyond the here and now and saw the bigger picture. Hear me when I say, our identity is not in our rejection. Our identity, what makes us everything that we will ever be, is found in the word of God. Open it up. Highlight, underline, memorize the beautiful truths He rejoices over you. Pin them on your wall. Hang them on your mirrors. Post them in your car. Write them on your hearts. It is time to claim the heritage that has so freely been given to us. 

Sometimes I wonder what our lives would look like if they were fixated on the beauty of heaven. If we truly lived our lives in alignment with heaven I think we would care less about what people thought of us and would care more about what Jesus thought of us. We would step off our man-made pedestals and fight battles for the kingdom of heaven. Oh, how desperately I want that. I want to be known as a warrior who fought for the salvation of His people. I want to be known as someone who's love runs deep. I want to be known as someone who spends more time on her knees before the throne of God than time spent worrying over what people thought of me. I want to be known as someone who embodies the Spirit of the living God. 

I want you to hear these sweet words being poured over you by Jesus Christ himself. He says, 

But you, my daughter, are chosen, you are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, you are my father's special possession. 1 Peter 2:9 (emphasis added)

We serve a beautiful God who relentlessly pursues us. He chooses us. Even when we choose everything except Him, he chooses us. You and me. Forever. He will never stop choosing us. Did you hear that? Our acceptance within the kingdom is eternal. His love for us will never run dry. Our wells, in Him, will always be full. But we must, in return, choose Him. 

Then I will win her back once again. I will lead her into a desert and speak tenderly to her there. I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope. She will give herself to me there, as she did long ago when she was young, when I freed her from captivity in Egypt. Hosea 2:14-15 

I will win her back once again. He gently and tenderly whispers the same to us. Some days I relate more to Israel than I like to admit. God has rescued me more times than I can count. I have seen his miracles within my life and his faithfulness has been more than evidently shown. You know those moment that have no explanation except, God. And yet, I still choose other loves. I still, after his rescuing, will turn and run the other way. But every time I run, he whispers, I will win her back once again. 

Here is the beauty of Jesus revealed in the midst of rejection: when the world rejects us, He embraces us within His arms. When we feel un-loved, He covers us with His endless love. When we feel un-wanted, He reveals to us our purpose and place within His family. He is and will forever be our dearest and most loyal friend. 

So, rise up mighty warrior for you are a chosen priesthood. An heir to the kingdom of the most mighty King. Rejection hurts, but don't let it defeat you. Don't allow yourself to believe the lies of Satan. Proclaim the truths of Jesus when the battle rises. Put on your armor and be ready for battle. 

Have more dance parties. Roll the windows down and don't be afraid to sing. Put on the baiting suit. Wear the dress. Go on the blind date. Send the text. Order the guac. And go back for seconds. Don't settle. Fight for what you deserve. Daughters, hear my prayer, let us not live a life out of fear. I want you to walk..no, I want you to run into a life of wholly acceptance in Jesus. You are and will forever be enough for the King. And His acceptance is the only one we will ever need. 

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