
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

My friend. 
My rock. 
My fortress. 
It hurts for me to think about this day. 

The day my friend was beaten and scorned. 
I can hear them yelling, “Crucify Him!” 
I can see the pain and hurt in His eyes. 
His body weak and fragile. 
The smell of blood and dust filling the air. 

The day he took up his cross. 
He carried it upon His back, until he could no longer. 
Sweat and blood dripping down his body. 
My Savior, being ridiculed and spat upon. 
Can your hear the cries amongst the laughter? 

The day he was nailed upon a cross for all to see. 
I can see Him hanging there. 
The weight of every sin and shame heavy upon his shoulders. 
When the time comes, he asks for a drink.
I can taste the sour wine they pressed to his lips. 
As he pushes up, with one last breath,
he yells with everything he has left, “tetelestai”! 

Jesus proclaims, “It is finished”!

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