Feast at the Table

Thursday, November 9, 2017

I love fall mornings where I can sit outside, sip on a warm cup of joe, and simply spend time being romanced by our Creator. As I sit and watch the leaves that have already began to change colors and fall delicately upon the now cool ground, I can’t help but think of the seasons that fill my own life. It is during these rapidly changing seasons of life that I have watched my time with Jesus look as a vast collection of different ways. Some mornings I lay in the middle of my floor desperate to feel the arms of Christ wrap around me while others I will light candles and play worship music while I simply adore the one who deserves all the adoration I could give. For the past week, I have been reading through Lisa Bevere’s devotional, Without Rival. This morning, I want you to hear the words that held me frozen captive this morning: 

"Far too many of us are satisfied with a revelation of God that is best described as, ‘crusts and crumbs. We are content to listen to sermons, tune in to podcasts, issue “likes” on Facebook and Instagram posts, and retweet the leftovers of another person’s banquet. There is nothing wrong with any of these, but in comparison to the feast God has for you, they are but crusts and crumbs. The truth is that God wants you to feed on His faithfulness. There is a vast difference between talking about God and listening to a God who talks to you. -Lisa Bevere 

Ouch! That one hurt. That one hurt deep because I am so guilty of feeding off the leftovers from someone else’s banquet. Is anyone else with me here? I will fan-girl over Christian authors and bloggers, while clearing my schedule to make time to hear and follow the beautiful lives they are living, before ever pulling up a seat to indulge in the feast God has already prepared for me. 

I love how Lisa addressed that none of these things are wrong! It is not wrong to listen to sermon podcasts and to have Christian women in leadership who you look up to and admire. Where we often go astray, where I go astray, is when I start letting the scraps and leftovers from someone else’s banquet become the only interaction I have with Jesus that day. He wants us. He wants you and me. And, he has an open seat waiting for us to come and commune with him at the table of the feast he has prepared for each and every one of us. Let’s stop being content with the crust and crumbs left from other people’s glorious feasts and spend time at the feet of Jesus today.

1 comment :

  1. Hey Jaley! I know our blogs probably couldn't be more different, as with our beliefs, but I definitely gravitated to this post. I find myself doing the exact same thing in my own religion: taking the scraps from someone else's feast. I follow blogs of pagans who actively worship and praise the Mother Goddess while not making time for rituals of my own. I love that this post was directed towards Christians, but doesn't have to end there. Thank you for this wake up call!

    Also, may I just say, your blog is so cute! I love the style and colors. And your writing in this post was very visual and appealing. Lovely use of language!
