Gifts of Grace

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Grace. This word seems to be reigning on my heart lately. 
Giving it. 
Receiving it. 
To myself and others. 
I enjoy words. Probably a little too much. Studying them and the beautiful meanings behind each and every one. I also love new words. I have an ever-growing list of words I find, whether it be in blog posts or books. I will take these words and study them for hours. Each one holding such power and value. While grace is no new word for me, it is one that holds such purpose in my life. Grace. It is what makes up my innermost being. I was created by grace. I am loved through grace. My identity was made in the presence of grace. Everything I am, tied to this beautiful, four-letter word, grace. 
This word was translated into English from the Greek word, found over 150 times in the new testament, Charis. This word is defined as “unmerited favor”, “virtue coming from God”, or “a state of sanctification” Oh, my beautiful friends, are we not so loved? When I think about this love, the love that Christ has for us, it never fails to leave me in awe. I will never understand a love so deep and vast. It goes beyond my humanly mind. It is crazy to think this is exactly how he intended it to be. He designed my mind to where I will never be able to fully understand him. He designed us to where He will always be beyond our comprehension. Oh, the wondrous awe of Christ. 
As I began studying this word, this word that is at the threshold of all that I do, I sat in awe of the beauty and love that Christ had and will always have for us. A word, whose purpose is ultimately the same, and yet so diverse and abstract to each and every person’s life. Christ freely invites us into the realm of grace. He invites us into His presence where sin no longer holds power. Our mistakes, they are clean. Our sin, it is no more. Our chains are broken and we are set free. He changed the period to a comma because the story wasn't over. The story still isn't over.
We get one. One life. One life to choose to live and breathe and laugh and dance in the face of all the circumstances that come your way. We get one life to squeeze your people tight every chance we get and tell them that we love them. Let’s take this this beautiful gift of grace and run. Let’s love more, laugh more, sing more, dance more, and be more. And let’s do it all in the beautiful name of our Jesus. How great is it to be caught in the grace that bounds us together? We are all walking each other home and soaking up these beautiful moments.


  1. Jaley,

    I have been thinking about this so much lately--grace that has been given and what our lives should amount to because of it. Often times, I find myself trying to make up for it. Trying to please more or do more because no gift is ever just "free", especially the gift of grace giving to us from such a holy, untouchable God. It is so hard for me to comprehend such a gift because, often times it feels too good to be true.

    I love what you say on how we should take this gift in run! Dance. Sing. Laugh. There is so much joy in grace and often times we live as if there is not. We live with this weight hanging over heads, waiting for the shoe to drop or the "gift" to be taken away. But, it was already given and there is nothing that can separate us from that. What freedom, what joy and what love is this!

    Thank you sweet girl, for remind me that this afternoon. I needed it.

  2. Jaley, you write so beautifully! I love the overall look and tone of your blog, it comes off very authentic and very you! I liked this post in particular because I’ve been thinking about His grace so much lately. My favorite line from your post is “It is crazy to think this is exactly how he intended it to be.” This holds so true for me! Looking back at my relationship with Him (non existent) this time last year, to where I am right now in my relationship with Him (still learning, and growing) it amazes me how much grace I’ve been shown, and how fruitful my life has become. I have so many “beautiful moments” sometimes I think to myself that there’s no way my life can be this sweet!
